Kotka Campus Library is closed from 13 May - The due dates will be on 4th Sep. Reservations to other libraries are not possible. More information


Self-service hours

You can also use the library independently when the customer service is closed. During the self-service hours, you can borrow and return material, pick up reservations, use the computers, read magazines and newspapers, and work.

Print and e-materials, work spaces (see the library-specific information), self-service points for borrowing and returning, and search machines are at your disposal.

Computers and multifunction printers are available to Xamk students and staff.

To visit the library during self-service hours, you need your library card and PIN code. Show your library card number to the reader at the library main entrance, and enter your PIN code to open the door. You will get your personal PIN code when you register as library customer. Always sign in with your own library card, even if you enter the library in a group.

During the self-service hours, the premises are monitored by technical surveillance systems. (Data Protection Announcement)

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